0913 083 613

8:00 AM - 17:00 PM
từ thứ 2 đến thứ 7 hằng tuần.


Tình trang kho: còn hàng

840,000 VND

Ghi chú

* Print server with 1 USB2.0 port + 1RJ45 (fast ethernet) port * Supports E-mail Alert, Supports Internet Printing Protocol (IPP) SMB and POST (Power On Self Test) * Provides print job log.

Mô tả

  • Print server with 1 USB2.0 port + 1RJ45 (fast ethernet) port 
  • Supports E-mail Alert, Supports Internet Printing Protocol (IPP) SMB and POST (Power On Self Test)
  • Provides print job log.

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